
The client faced several challenges related to improving customer experience, reducing time to market, developing cost-efficient solutions, and reducing future IT spend. To address these challenges, the client decided to adopt best of breed software and out of the box processes.

By using best of breed software, the client aimed to improve the customer experience by providing high-quality, reliable, and feature-rich products and services. Additionally, by using out of the box processes, the client could accelerate time to market by reducing the time and effort required for custom development.

To develop cost-efficient solutions, the client aimed to simplify and automate development and testing processes. This would help to reduce development and testing time, minimize errors, and ensure the quality of the products and services delivered to customers.

Moreover, the client aimed to reduce future IT spend by providing an easy upgradable integrated product suite from a single vendor. By adopting an integrated product suite, the client could reduce the complexity of its IT systems, minimize the need for custom development, and reduce the time and effort required for maintenance and upgrades.

Overall, by addressing these challenges, the client aimed to improve its competitiveness and profitability by delivering high-quality products and services, reducing time to market, and minimizing IT costs.


The solution implemented to the client involved the use of Agile Transformation, which aimed to provide a structured approach to Agile delivery. The Agile Transformation Office would oversee the implementation of Agile practices across the organization and ensure that they were being followed consistently.

To enable distributed Agile delivery, the client adopted Scrum, XP practices, and Kanban. These Agile methodologies enabled the team to work collaboratively, prioritize work items, and deliver value incrementally. Additionally, the team could use these practices to respond to changes quickly and effectively.

Continuous Integration and Delivery was also implemented, which allowed the team to continuously integrate code changes into a shared repository and deploy new functionality to production frequently. This approach reduced the risk associated with large-scale releases and improved the speed of delivery.

To ensure a predictable delivery model, Release and Demand Planning was established. This involved regular planning sessions to prioritize work items, estimate effort, and plan delivery timelines. This approach enabled the team to manage demand effectively and deliver value predictably.

Real-time communication was established through overlapping shifts and cross-functional teams, which enabled the team to work collaboratively and respond to issues in real-time. This approach improved team collaboration, reduced handoffs, and minimized delays.

Additionally, the solution was SLA-driven, which meant that delivery timelines and quality were governed by Service Level Agreements. This approach ensured that the team was focused on delivering value to the customer and meeting their expectations.

Finally, a well-established governance and escalation mechanism was implemented to ensure that issues were identified and addressed quickly. This approach provided transparency and visibility into the delivery process and ensured that issues were addressed before they impacted delivery.

Overall, the solution enabled the client to deliver value predictably and efficiently while improving team collaboration and minimizing risk.


key benefits of this approach of using an integrated design and development approach with MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and the cloud computing platform Azure, combined with a scalable agile delivery factory model.

Integrated design and development: By using MVC architecture and Azure, developers can create software applications that are modular, flexible, and easy to maintain. This approach also allows for a separation of concerns between different components of the application, which leads to better code organization and overall system performance.

Scalable Agile Delivery factory model: This approach involves a flexible and iterative development process that allows teams to adapt quickly to changing requirements and deliver software in short cycles. By using a scalable agile delivery factory model, teams can scale their development efforts to meet demand and avoid delays caused by traditional development approaches.

5X defect resolution time reduction: By using an integrated design and development approach with MVC and Azure, developers can catch defects early in the development process and fix them before they become major issues. This leads to a significant reduction in defect resolution time, which saves time and resources for the development team.

2X deployment and roll-back time reduction: Azure provides a cloud-based platform for hosting and deploying software applications. By using Azure, developers can automate the deployment process, which saves time and reduces the risk of errors during deployment. Additionally, Azure’s built-in rollback capabilities allow teams to quickly and easily roll back to previous versions of the application if needed, which reduces downtime and improves overall system reliability.

In summary, the benefits of using an integrated design and development approach with MVC and Azure, combined with a scalable agile delivery factory model, include improved code organization and performance, faster defect resolution and deployment times, and increased system reliability.